The European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP) evolved from the Union of European Paedopsychiatrists (UEP) which had its first meeting in October 1954 in Magglingen/Switzerland. The UEP held several conferences during the following years until the official foundation of the UEP in September 1960 in Paris, France

The organization changed its name twice: in 1982 into European Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and after the congress in Lausanne (1983) into European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP). Today it has Child & Adolescent psychiatrist members from 32 countries. (ESCAP country members list)


– To promote mental health of children and adolescents in Europe.
– To increase quality of life among children and families.
– To ensure children’s right for healthy development and wellbeing.

ESCAP Goals:

– To foster the European knowledge and skills in child psychiatry.
– To facilitate and extend the bonds between European countries in mental health issues.
– To spread the results of research and experiences by publishing reports and organizing scientific conferences & meetings.
– To collaborate with international organizations with the same or related aims.

ESCAP Board Members
ESCAP Congress
ESCAP Website
National Societies