Dr John Hillery on misleading media reports about the cost of mental health services
- December 16, 2016
- Category: College in the media External Affairs & Policy Of interest from media
Dr John Hillery spoke on both Tipp FM and Limerick’s Live 95FM in relation to CPsychI concerns that people in acute mental distress will not seek help due to misleading media reports about the cost of mental health services. CPsychI released a press statement that attempted to correct some of the issues reported, in particular the fact that Public Mental Health Services, both hospital and community based, are free at the point of delivery (including ED departments with a GP referral) and in general people in acute mental distress will be seen as a matter of urgency.
Speaking with presenter Fran Curry on Tipp FM Today Dr Hillery addressed a number of points including counselling services, emergency treatment, and the importance of acknowledging people with chronic mental illnesses.