College Strategy & Development

CPsychI Development & Planning

A Consultation process and review of the current activities/functions of the College of Psychiatry of Ireland began in June 2011. Members (circa 750 informed, 16% response rate) were asked to fill out an online-survey providing feedback on how well the College was functioning, what they saw as the core purpose of the College and the issues to focus on over the next two years.

A College Development Day also took place in September 2011 with Faculty chairs and the College Executive committee members to brainstorm (including a briefing on results of the survey) and develop list of priority functions for the College going forward.

Summary of Key Recommendations

  • Increase & encourage member involvement
    Highlight involvement in College activities as highly beneficial, both in ensuring members remain informed and also in combating the negative features of working in an extremely fulfilling but demanding job. For trainees it is an excellent opportunity to gain training in Health Service Policy and management. Benefits to members should be further & continuously highlighted particularly in relation to the value to current practice and professional development.
    The involvement of faculties should be enhanced. The functions and responsibilities of all College groups need to be clearly defined including development of frameworks for each group to provide clear business & action plans with timeframes & budget allocation (where appropriate). Induction training for new chairs, vice chairs and College officers at the beginning of their term needs to be introduced. Regional activity needs to be put in place by holding College meetings outside Dublin by videoconferencing; by faculties & committees providing support for CPD regional meetings.
  • Strategic planning & business plans
    All Faculties will be encouraged to prepare a business plan to be approved and reviewed periodically by the Faculty and Council. The plan should outline any possible budget requirements. These can then be incorporated into the overall College business plans & financial projections.
  • Postgraduate training
    It was recognised that recruitment into the specialty is difficult therefore the College should promote the quality of training and career paths that are currently available. Self-governance of the training scheme is important. It is crucial that the governance of the accreditation of schemes is robust and can stand up to scrutiny. All Educational Supervisors and Tutors should be members of the College – this gives a College imprimatur to the trainer and also allows the trainer to keep up to date with College training news; engage with University Departments to enhance training in research; develop more prizes and bursaries to engage trainees.
  • Public Education about Psychiatry
    Educate the public about psychiatry in a number of ways including running events and projects under an annual theme (E.g. the homeless for 2012); a campaign to ‘promote’ the profession highlighting the value of doctors in treating mental illness; break down barriers by maintaining and increasing liaison with other organisations in the mental health arena; develop a mini ‘psych’ school; use positive patient experiences as good news stories; explore media projects.