The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland produces a number of papers, which include positions, policy, perspectives, college statements and government submissions.
Positions: The College will develop and hold written positions on a range of formally agreed, relevant issues, which will be made available to members.
Policy: The College will enunciate policy positions on relevant subjects from time to time which will guide the Council and Faculties of the College in their work in developing the role and activities of the College.
Perspectives: The College will publish papers referred to as Perspectives. The aim of Perspectives will be to stimulate productive debate on issues in Psychiatry that may be such as to militate against the College having an agree Policy or Position on them but are of such professional and/or public interest that attention and debate needs to occur. A Perspective may be submitted to Council for approval by any Faculty or Committee of the College. A Perspective could form the basis of or may have potential for further development into a College Policy or Position paper.