College Press Statements 2017

College highlights alcohol’s role in completed and attempted suicides and mental health difficulties as it calls for full support of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill for discussion in the Senate today

Alcohol is at the heart of a great deal of mental health problems in Ireland. Psychiatrists and mental health professionals witness at first hand its damaging effects on patients’ lives. This bill is an important first step to safer alcohol consumption in our society.

Families and carers of those with mental illness connect with psychiatrists to encourage recovery

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) hosted their third annual conference with Shine on Friday 22nd September in Waterford with a focus on the role of family in promoting recovery. The day was full of insightful presentations and panel discussions with the event hashtag #FamilyCare trending in Ireland throughout the day on Twitter.

SHINE and College unite to connect families and carers of those with mental illness/problems with psychiatrists and others

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) will host their third annual conference with Shine on Friday 22nd of September with a focus on the role of family in promoting recovery. Family members/carers and service users will have the opportunity to discuss their needs and issues during panel discussions with various key stakeholders.

Psychiatrists take to Twitter for Green Ribbon Stigma Reduction Month

Following the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland recent and successful ‘Walk and Talk with Psychiatrists’, as part of May Green Ribbon month, the College aims to continue the fight against stigma around mental illness and issues through its 3rd annual Twitter live Question & Answer session with psychiatrists.

Public invited to engage informally with psychiatrists for Green Ribbon month

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) will host its 3 rd annual Walk & Talk with Psychiatrists (CPsychI) for The Green Ribbon Campaign in St Stephen’s Green on Sunday, 21st of May at 1pm sharp. The event is run in conjunction with See Change, the National Stigma Reduction Partnership. Green Ribbon is held for a whole month, each May to spark a national conversation about mental health.

Women taking the lead in Psychiatry: Then and Now

On International Women’s Day we celebrate trailblazer of the past Dr Ada English, and recognise the four women leading the HSE National Clinical Programme for Mental Health.

Medfest 2017 returns to focus on Matters of Life and Death

The first in a series of university events exploring the need to make doctors, patients and the general public more comfortable about discussing death.

College hosts ‘The Science of Psychiatry’

The recent annual College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) NCHD conference was a great success with a high turnout of Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors.

College Welcomes New Officers

New President and Vice President for College of Psychiatrists of Ireland. The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland has elected Dr John Hillery, former President of the Medical Council, as its new President to serve until 2020. Dr Hillery replaces Dr Ruth Loane as President.