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College Papers & Publications

2014 Position Papers
CPsychI Position Paper A Guidance Document on Dementia in Persons with Intellectual Disability.
A paper by the Faculty of Learning Disability Psychiatry (February 2014)

Other Publications

“This is an important study from a number of perspectives. It underscores the vital importance of assessing and addressing the actual needs of patients rather than focussing narrowly just on presenting symptoms. It demonstrates the value of a home-based approach to mental health treatment and provides reassurance that serious un-met needs can be successfully tackled by newly formed as well as “battle-hardened” teams.

The results of the study with respect to Later Life Psychiatry are also of major significance highlighting the value of providing care and treatment in a person’s own environment.

This study should be a model for how a modern mental health service should be organised around the real-life needs of people with serious mental health problems”.

Dr Pat Devitt

“This important study provides the first robust evidence for the effectiveness of contemporary mental health rehabilitation services in Europe. It highlights the importance of continued investment in specialist inpatient and community services for people with complex and longer term mental health problems and shows that despite the severity of their problems, rehabilitation services facilitate improvement in social functioning and successful community discharge”.

Dr Helen Killaspy, Chair of the Faculty of Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK

The Department of Health has published an alcohol strategy, termed the National Substance Misuse Strategy after over two years of work. Dr Tony Holohan, CMO, was the Chair of the Steering Group that compiled the report.

Included in the report are a number of recommendations from the College for minimum pricing, a statutory framework to control alcohol advertising, the phasing out of alcohol sponsorship by 2016, a Clinical Directorate for Alcohol and a forum of stakeholders to progress the recommendations within A Vision for Change to establish clear linkages between the addiction services, mental health services and primary care.

Please see links below for comments on the report by Dr. William Flannery, who represented the College on the group, as well as a letter from Chair Dr. Tony Houlihan to all medical practitioners.

Archived Publications

Irish society in the grip of high levels of anxiety, President Mary McAleese, 14 Nov 2009, Former President of Ireland at CPsychI Conference, Irish Examiner 14th November 2009
‘Recession a burden on mental health’ says President McAleese at CpsychI conference: Irish Times 14 Nov 2009 President of Ireland at CPsychI Conference, Irish Times 14th Nov 09
‘Television and radio are no places for recently bereaved’ Breda O’Brien: Irish Times, 17 Oct 2009
‘Politician tells his story as mental health‘: Irish Times 14 Oct 2009
‘Did a drug lead to a killing?’ Kate Holmquist, Irish Times, 10th Oct 09
‘Parents warned about giving teenagers alcohol at home’, includes Dr Bobby Smyth, Irish Times Sept 2009
‘Early detection is the key to dealing with mental health issues’: Tom Lynch, Men’s Health Matters, Irish Times Health Plus, 1st Sept 2009
‘Putting our lives on line’ with a quote from Dr Keith Holmes: Irish Examiner Sept 09
‘Amended code wont save children’: Terence Cosgrave, Irish Medical Times, 4th Sept 09
‘Mental Health Service Directorate must be established as a priority’: Dr Patrick Devitt, Irish Times, 10th Aug 09
‘Supreme court critical of case taken against St Vincents Hospital’: Irish Medical Times, 16 July 09
‘Children-in-need-continue to play waiting game’: Eilish O’Regan, Irish Independent Jul 09
‘Diagnosing Aspergers Syndrome’: Sunday Business Post Jul 2009
‘It would not be tolerated in the rest of society’ Dr S Barry quoted: M Clifford, Sunday Tribune, 13 July 09
‘Law is integral to preservation of dignity’ Prof H Kennedy, Irish Examiner, Jul 2009
The Irish Examiner editorial on Prof H Kennedy’s piece on capacity. 22 July 09