Structure of the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland

How does the College Operate?

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland has a professional administration team who provide support in all areas of the College functions. Decision making processes and governance are guided & provided by a Constitution, Council & the Management Committee.

The College is the professional, training and educational body for psychiatrists in the Republic of Ireland. It is also a not for profit professional membership organisation and is a Registered Charity (CHY 18077). The College is not a regulatory or disciplinary body. Apart from a membership unit the College has three main areas (pillars):

Professional Competence
Post Graduate Training
External Affairs & Policy

Governance and Management:

Council is the governing body of the College.
The Management (Executive) Committee, which is responsible for the day to day business of the College, meets monthly. Items for discussion or decision go to the Management Committee first before being included on the Council meeting agenda.

Faculties also play a fundamental role in the operation of the College and its objectives.

See below and Missions and Objectives