Election of Members to the CPsychI Trainee Committee (Tenure 2022 – 2024)
There are currently 9 vacancies arising on the CPsychI Trainee Committee and nominations for membership are now invited. It is important to note that applicants must be fully registered and subscribed NCHD/Trainee members of the College.
The Trainee Committee is a very active College group, that aims to have representation from BSTs, HSTs and non-training NCHDs. We are strongly interested in hearing from applicants who are training or working outside of the Dublin-based deaneries as we are keen to ensure the opinions of trainees from all regions are adequately represented on the Committee. While the Committee traditionally sits in the College offices in Dublin, plans are in place to rotate Committee meetings to other counties in the future. To reflect this, the election guidelines for this year have been amended to accommodate this (please see Election Guidelines document below).
The main activities of the Committee include the following:
- Working to improve the standard of psychiatric training in Ireland while promoting Trainees’ views and interests within the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland
- To represent Trainees and NCHDs on every group in the College including Faculties, the Postgraduate Training Committee and Council, and also external groups such as the Forum of Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies
- To participate in Trainee Committee working groups on Recruitment, the NCHD Conference and the Trainee e-Newsletter “Think Tank”
Committee meetings take place every 6-8 weeks in the College premises at No. 5 Herbert Street, Dublin 2, and all members are expected to regularly attend. (Please note, meetings will take place via zoom until further notice).
We would strongly encourage all those interested to consider taking part. It is a fantastic way to become involved in representing your peers, helping to organise events for Trainees and meeting like-minded colleagues and above all, it can be enjoyable and rewarding.
If you would like to get involved, please read through the election guidelines, and complete the following items in full: (i) application form and (ii) nomination form. Both forms must be returned to Vivienne Keeley (vkeeley@irishpsychiatry.ie) by the deadline of Thursday, 19th May 2022.
Should you have further queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Vivienne at the above email address or on (01) 661 8450.
We look forward to hearing from all interested parties.