NCHD Conference 2015

NCHD Conference 2015

CPSYCHI: Press Release April 2015

The College of Psychiatrists hosts ‘Masterclasses for Trainees’.

Click here to download the program.

The annual College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) NCHD conference took place recently in the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham in Dublin, and was a great success with a high turnout of Trainee Psychiatrists and NCHDs.

The Conference, organised by the Trainee Committee, a dedicated working group within the College was based on the theme “Masterclasses for Trainees”. The day delivered a diverse and thought-provoking programme. Trainees were invited to attend a wide range of plenaries and workshops which encompassed topics that can prove challenging to Trainees in everyday clinical practice.

Stimulating plenary sessions opened the conference. Prof Greg Swanwick, Dean of Education of the College discussed some of the major changes in Psychiatry training over the last number of years. In particular, Prof Swanwick discussed the recent formation of Deaneries, the introduction of pre-defined rotations for all Basic and Higher Specialist Trainees, the establishment of the Irish membership exam and the recent  implementation of streamlined training.

“Caring for the Mental Health of Women in Pregnancy” highlighted the particular challenges and considerations associated with women’s mental health in pregnancy and childbirth. Dr Anthony McCarthy, Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director at St. Vincent’s University Hospital, gave a valuable insight into the challenges Psychiatrists face in treating women in pregnancy, with a particular focus on safe prescribing for pregnant women.

Dr Paul Moran (Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist at St Colmcille’s and St Michael’s hospitals) offered an interesting talk on Gender Dysphoria, outlining the background to Gender Identity Disorders and the process of transition and gender reassignment. Dr Moran also outlined how to manage co-morbid health problems that may present alongside Gender Dysphoria.

In addition to the plenary sessions, attendees also had a wide choice of afternoon workshops based on a range of specialist topics such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Adult Psychiatry for Homeless People, Psychotherapeutic Skills and The Transition from CAMHS to Adult Mental Health Services, as well as on clinical issues such as Video EEG in the Diagnosis of Epileptic Seizures and ECG Use in Clinical Practice.
The REFOCUS (Recovery Experience Forum of Carers and Service Users) group of the College presented a workshop, inviting discussion and debate on their Carers position paper, “Who Cares? Listening to the
needs and experiences of carers of people with mental illness”.

Ms Lorna Power from Trinity College Dublin was announced as the winner of this year’s Medical Student Essay Prize, for her essay based on the title “Stigma in Mental Health – the Role of the Media”. Runnerup
prizes were also awarded to: Mr Adam Dyer (TCD), Ms Lisa McNamee (RCSI), Mr Brian McMorrow (UCD), Ms Esther Hor (UCD), Mr John Murtagh (UCD), Ms Aisling Doyle (UCC) and Ms Ella Cahalan (NUIG).
“The Trainee Committee are delighted with the success of the sixth annual NCHD Conference”, said Dr Gearoid Moynihan, Chair of the Trainee Committee of the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland, and conference Chair for the day. “The day was very well attended by Trainees, each at various stages of training, and in particular it was great that the Conference theme was informed by feedback from Trainees who have attended previous events”.

Dr Moynihan also expressed his thanks on behalf of the NCHD Conference Working Group, “We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all speakers who gave of their time on the day, whose contributions were invaluable. We would also like to thank all Trainees who attended. We look forward to another interesting and informative day next year”.