NCHD Conference 2018
“From Mental Health to Mental Illness: The Role of Psychiatry in the 21st Century”
Please note that there is currently a waiting list in place for the NCHD Conference 2018 – please phone Karen McCourt directly on (01) 634 4371 to be placed on same.
This years conference will take place on Friday, 23rd February 2018 in the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 and will explore the theme “From Mental Health to Mental Illness: The Role of Psychiatry in the 21st Century”. You can view the draft programme in full by clicking HERE.
On the day, plenary talks and workshops will explore this topic and attendees will have the opportunity to hear from some of our most experienced Consultants in Psychiatry, as well as members of the CPsychI REFOCUS Group, on range of subjects including: Vulnerabilty in Doctors, Addictions and Dual Diagnosis, Biological and Neurological aspects of Psychiatry, Interfacing with Medical Colleagues, Service User Experiences and Media.
To close the day you will also be invited to attended a social event, where you will have the opportunity to speak with fellow NCHDs working across Ireland in many different areas of Psychiatry.
**It is also important to note the following re. Conference fees:
(1) CPsychI registered Trainees & (2) CPsychI NCHD Members:
Free to attend for (1) all doctors enrolled on the CPsychI BST & HST Training Programmes and (2) fully-subscribed NCHD members of the College.
(3) CPsychI NCHD Non-Members:
– CPsychI Non-members enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme, credits will be deducted for attendance at this event.
– CPsychI Non-members not enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme, are welcome to attend this event for a fee
If you have any further queries please contact Karen McCourt at for further information.
The CPsychI and the Trainee Committee look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a very interesting and enjoyable NCHD Conference for 2017.