NCHD Conference 2019

NCHD Conference 2019

We are pleased to announce that the 10th annual CPsychI & Trainee Committee NCHD Conference will take place on Friday, 1st March 2019 in the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 and will explore the theme:

Click Here to view the full programme.

“Keeping the Law in Mind”

Plenary talks and workshops will explore the interface between Psychiatry and the Law as it applies to all psychiatrists in their day to day practice. Experts from both the psychiatric and legal profession will present on topics including Practicalities of Law for the Psychiatrist, Capacity, Legal Issues in Eating Disorders, and Children and the Law, to name but a few. A moderated panel with representation from Psychiatry, REFOCUS (Recovery Experience Forum of Carers and Users of Services) and the Department of Health will also discuss the complexities of our practice in light of the above in “Making Tough Decisions: The Doctor and Patient Perspective”.

To close the day you are warmly invited to attended a social event with refreshments, where you will have the opportunity to speak with members of the Trainee Committee as well your fellow NCHDs working across Ireland in many different areas of Psychiatry.

It promises to be a very interesting and enjoyable NCHD Conference for 2019. The CPsychI and the Trainee Committee look forward to seeing you there!

Drs Anna Feeney and David Weir
Trainee Committee Co-Chairs 2018 – 2019

Conference fees: Please see below important information relating to Conference fees.

CPsychI registered Trainees & CPsychI CPD-SS/NCHD Members:
Free to attend for (1) all doctors enrolled on the CPsychI BST & HST Training Programmes and (2) fully-subscribed NCHD members of the College.

CPsychI NCHD Non-Members:
– CPsychI Non-members enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme, credits will be deducted for attendance at this event and you should contact the College by email at to book your place.
– CPsychI Non-members not enrolled on the CPD-SS Scheme, are welcome to attend this event for a fee and should contact the College directly for further information.

If you have any further queries please contact Liz Kavanagh at for information.

The NCHD Conference 2019 is now fully booked. If you wish to be added to the waiting list, please email Liz Kavanagh at