Faculty of Youth and Student Psychiatry

Chair: Dr Michele Hill

Vice Chair: Prof Mary Cannon


  1. To represent the views and interests of psychiatrists working in youth and student psychiatry services in Ireland in line with the College objectives according to its constitution.
  2. To advocate for improved services offerings and integrated models of care for young people and students with moderate to severe mental health conditions.
  3. To create training materials and opportunities in Youth and Student Psychiatry.

Dates of upcoming meetings in 2023

  • 1pm on Wednesday, 11th January

College Faculty/SIG and committee meetings can garner 1 internal or external CPD credit per meeting up to a maximum of 10 credits per PCS year.

To contact the group

To contact the group or if you would like to join, please email Helen Murray, hmurray@irishpsychiatry.ie or call (01) 6618450.