Basic Specialist Training (BST) in Psychiatry comprises of a one year ‘Foundation Year’ followed by a further 3 years of ‘Basic Specialist Training’ (BST). The place of training is in hospitals / mental health services i.e. Trainees are salaried Non Consultant Hospital Doctors (NCHDs) while on the training scheme. BST is delivered via nine Deaneries, each with a number of affiliated Training Centres. At application stage, Deaneries are ranked by the candidate in order of preference and places are allocated based on a candidate’s rank at interview and the number of places available for each Deanery in a given training year. Please read below for detailed information on each individual Deanery.
Deanery Information
UL Deanery
The University of Limerick Deanery extends across the Mid-Western counties of Limerick, Clare and Tipperary. Approved centres for acute inpatient care are located in University Hospital Limerick, Ennis Hospital and the Department of Psychiatry in Kilkenny. Community based services are provided through several multidisciplinary adult community mental health teams and specialist services, with a comprehensive range of community based outpatient, day hospital, day centre, outreach and community residential services. >>> Read More
NUIG / RCSI Deanery
NUIG RCSI Deanery is affiliated with both the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) and the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI) with training based in 4 urban centres in the Midlands, North and Northwest of Ireland. The population served has a large rural component with outreach clinics throughout the training areas. Trainees like the small friendly sites with close working with Consultants. There are also HST’s training in each of the centres. They tend to be based primarily in one centre but must work in at least 2 over the course of BST. >>> Read More
RCSI Deanery
The RCSI Deanery includes main general adult psychiatric units in North Dublin, Connolly Hospital and Drogheda. Each is linked to psychiatry of older life, rehabilitation and Child and Adolescent Mental Health In-patient and community (CAMS) services. Each centre has its own weekly academic training. Services throughout the Deanery offer opportunities to experience psychiatry in urban and rural, and areas of deprivation and homelessness. >>> Read More
NUIG Deanery
The NUIGalway Deanery encompasses geographically the western counties of Galway, Mayo and Roscommon. Inpatient units for acute care are located in Galway University Hospital, Mayo University Hospital, Roscommon University Hospital and Merlin Park University Hospital, Galway (Child and Adolescent Mental Health In-patient Unit). Community based services are provided through a network of multidisciplinary adult community mental health teams and specialist services with a full range of community based outpatient, day hospital, day centre, outreach, home based and community residential services. >>> More
UCD SVUH Deanery
The SVUH/UCD deanery includes St John of God Hospital, and offers speciality placements including National Forensic Service, Beaumont Hospital, and the National Drug Treatment service. Community psychiatry experience is offered in a variety of centres including St John of God Community Adult Services, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Wicklow Mental Health Services and Waterford and Wexford community services. Child and adolescent placements are available in a community setting and there are two inpatient posts available. >>> Read More
UCD MMUH Deanery
The UCD-Mater deanery offers trainees the opportunity to work on the north of the River Liffey in Dublin’s inner city and adjoining areas or in the south east of Ireland or a mixture of both. Some trainees opt to do all of their training in the south east. Others prefer to base themselves in the capital. The Dublin training centres and affiliated clinical sites are in or very close to the city centre. >>> Read More
UCC Deanery
The UCC Deanery incorporates five training centres across Cork and Kerry. There is huge diversity of training experience available to trainees across the Deanery including opportunities to train in urban, rural, generalist and specialist posts. The Deanery places a very high value on training and supporting trainees to reach their potential. >>> Read More
TCD Deanery
Based in centres of excellence affiliated to Trinity College, the TCD Deaneries provide the widest possible Basic Specialist Training to doctors pursuing a career in psychiatry in Ireland. There are 2 TCD Deaneries (titled ‘R’ and ‘S’) which receive on average c.15 new trainees per year. All posts are approved for training by the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland, and by the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) for MRCPsych examinations. Trainees are eligible for inclusion in the Trainee Specialist Register of the Medical Council of Ireland. >>> More