TCD Deanery
Based in centres of excellence affiliated to Trinity College, the TCD Deaneries provide the widest possible Basic Specialist Training to doctors pursuing a career in psychiatry in Ireland.There are 2 TCD Deaneries (titled ‘R’ and ‘S’) which receive on average c.15 new trainees per year. All posts are approved for training by the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland, and by the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) for MRCPsych examinations. Trainees are eligible for inclusion in the Trainee Specialist Register of the Medical Council of Ireland.
There are approx 75 posts in total in the TCD Deaneries approved for BST, providing a wide variety of experience and choice. All posts are available to trainees in both Deaneries.TCD-R and TCD-S Deaneries collaborate closely and share the same management structure, governance and operational policies. There is one administrator, Ms Prisca Coleman, for both Deaneries.The two Deans are also Vice-Deans of the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland; both have been in their roles since 2014 and have a wealth of experience in training and in mentoring trainees.
Training Centres / Sub-Specialities
Training Centres: | Specialties/Sub-Specialties: |
St James’s Hospital, Dublin 8 | Adult Psychiatry, Psychiatry of Later Life, Liaison Psychiatry, Homeless Psychiatry, Rehabilitation Psychiatry |
St Patrick’s University Hospital, Dublin 8 | Adult Psychiatry, Psychiatry of Later Life, Addictions Psychiatry, CAMHS, Psychotherapy |
Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin 24 | Adult Psychiatry, Liaison Psychiatry, Rehabilitation Psychiatry |
Naas General Hospital, Naas | Adult Psychiatry, Psychiatry of Later Life |
Midlands Regional Hospital, Portlaoise | Adult Psychiatry, Psychiatry of Later Life |
Linn Dara CAMHS, Dublin and Kildare | Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – inpatient, outpatient, liaison |
Central Mental Hospital, Dundrum, Dublin 14 | Forensic Psychiatry – adult, rehabilitation |
National Drug Treatment Centre, Dublin 2 | Psychiatry of Addictions |
Intellectual Disability Services (3 posts in Dublin, 1 post in Midlands | Psychiatry of Learning Disability |
Key Features
- Basic Specialist Training in all Deaneries is normally for 4 years (Foundation Year followed by BST years 1, 2 and 3) during which trainees participate fully in patient care, multidisciplinary teamwork, risk assessment and treatment planning. All adult posts and most other posts have supervised on call duties which is a requirement for specialist training.
- In addition to the main specialties listed above there are special interest adult posts in Eating Disorders, Home-Based Treatment, Academic Psychiatry, Special Care/Psychiatric Intensive Care, Medical Psychotherapy, Homelessness and Perinatal Psychiatry. There are also fully accredited ECT suites which is essential for training.
- Each Training Centre has a local Tutor who co-ordinates the in-house weekly half-day teaching programme including induction, tutorials, journal clubs, case presentations, and practical OSCE training delivered by experts in the field.
- Each trainee is facilitated in attending educational activities approved and/or organised by the College of Psychiatry of Ireland. Weekly supervision with the consultant can range from clinical matters to personal issues, general guidance and career planning.
- An extensive variety of psychotherapeutic skills is available throughout the TCD Deaneries, including CBT, family therapy, and insight-oriented psychodynamic therapies. The main Training Centres contain a regular programme for Balint groups [which is mandatory for BST and an excellent learning process] and trainees are encouraged to apply for diploma qualifications in psychotherapy. TCD Deaneries are unique in having a fully recognised psychotherapy training post.
- Each training centre elects a training representative every 6 months and this provides management experience. Each Deanery also has one trainee appointed as a Deanery Liaison Officer. We encourage all trainees to engage in active involvement in the Trainee Committee of the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland.
- Teams in TCD training centres receive TCD medical students on Psychiatric rotation for 4 periods in each academic year. Trainees are involved in formal undergraduate teaching.
- Audit and research are encouraged in each training post. Additionally a limited number of specific research posts (non-BST) in centres affiliated to TCD Deaneries arise from time to time and are available by competition. TCD centres have a worldwide reputation in research in psychosis, mood disorders, developmental disorders, psychiatric genetics and psychiatry of ageing. Internet access and library facilities are maintained for all trainees throughout the scheme.
- Due to the level of practical experience, training and teaching gained, TCD trainees achieve a high rate of success in Irish College of Psychiatrist and Royal College of Psychiatrists exams with the 4 most recent CPsychI exam prize winners being TCD trainees. TCD-affiliated trainees frequently advance to Higher Specialist Training and many alumni now hold senior positions in psychiatry in Ireland and throughout the world.
Clinical Exposure
Doctors joining the TCD Deaneries in Foundation Year are allocated initially to two 6-months posts in general adult psychiatry in one of the five main Training Centres. This is followed by 3 years (6 posts) in a mixture of adult psychiatry and subspecialties : trainees are invited to express their preferences for these posts in advance of their allocations, and each year they can apply to change future postings.
Throughout their training all trainees will gain experience in Acute In-Patient care, Out-Patient Clinics, Day Hospital management, Rehabilitation, Domiciliary Visits, Crisis Intervention. Some will have specific experience in Homebased care, Nursing Homes, Residential ID Services, School Visits, Prison visits, Assertive Outreach, and Hospital Liaison.