Hot Topic 1: Cardiovascular Disease in Serious Mental Illness

Hot Topic 1: Cardiovascular Disease in Serious Mental Illness 

(Approved by CPsychI for 1 External or Internal CPD credit)

Premature mortality due to CVD is the most common cause of natural death in those with SMI. The reasons remain unknown though the contribution of medication, illness & lifestyle choices all contribute. The general population has seen in a decline in CVD-related mortality. The same is not true in those with SMI. Thus far, simply being aware of the problem is insufficient & there needs to be a proactive approach which involves screening and the offering of guideline concordant treatment strategies to all patients with SMI.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Understand risk factors for CVD in common SMI
2. Understand role of illness and medication in the development of CVD in SMI
3. Strategies to help those with SMI deal with CVD risk factors

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