Hot Topic 9: Cannabis Decriminalisation
Hot Topic 9: Cannabis Decriminalisation
(Approved by CPsychI for 1 External or Internal CPD Credit)
The issue of decriminalisation of cannabis is a complex one. This presentation reviews the international experience of varying degrees of decriminalisation and legalization and also some of the difficulties encountered in interpreting the outcomes, particularly when the change in legislation is not accompanied by an increase in health resources. It also reviews the effect cannabis use may have on young people and explores what is required before a decision to decriminalise is made.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand patterns of cannabis use and review international strategies and treaties in relation to its use
2. Understand principles and terminology underlying the concept of decriminalisation
3. Understand the experience of other countries and the complexities involved in interpreting outcomes
4. Understand the impact of cannabis use on adolescent users