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Hot Topics in Psychiatry Galway – January 2020

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CPD Credits
Approved for 2 External CPD credits


January 14, 2020 6:30 pm
January 14, 2020 8:30 pm
Clayton Hotel Galway, Ballybrit, Galway, Ireland   View map
01 634 4375

Hot Topics in Psychiatry Galway

Date:                   Tuesday 14th January 2020
Time:                   6:30pm – 8:30pm (Registration & Coffee 6.00pm – 6:30pm)
Venue:                Ballroom 2, Clayton Hotel Galway (Ballybrit) (Click here for directions)
CPD:                    Approved for 2 External CPD credits


  • Psychiatry Of Old Age – An Update from the (Wild) North West
    Speaker: Professor Geraldine McCarthy, Consultant Psychiatry of Old Age, Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Service & Honorary Professor School of Medicine NUIG
  • Hot topics in Infectious Diseases
    Speaker: Dr Catherine Fleming, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Galway University Hospital


2019/20 Dublin Hot Topics in Psychiatry Meetings – View Further Information


  • CPsychI members: €30
  • Psychiatrists (Non-CPsychI members): €90
  • Other Specialties (Non-Psychiatrists): €50
  • Continuous Professional Development Support Scheme (CPD-SS) for NCHDs in Non-Training Posts: A limited number of CPD-SS places may be available to NCHDs registered on the 2019/20 CPD-SS.  To avail of CPD-SS funding, you must book your place in advance by emailing your Booking Form to


CPsychI members: BOOK ONLINE – log in as a member and click on Member Registration button above or return your Booking Form as soon as possible to secure your place.

Non-CPsychI members: Please return your Booking Form as soon as possible to secure your place.


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