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When Money’s Too Tight to Mention – REFOCUS Symposium

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CPD Credits


October 5, 2023 9:00 am
October 5, 2023 4:00 pm
Limerick Strand Hotel, Ennis Road, Stonetown, Limerick, Ireland   View map

Trouble registering? Email Ian Rice at to confirm your place.

10:00AM – 4:00PM Thursday, 5 October 2023

The Strand Hotel, Limerick

Approved for 5 External CPD credits

“When Money’s Too Tight to Mention”

A practical and educational day for psychiatrists supporting and signposting patients/service users on many key aspects of their lives important to their recovery.


Registration is now open. NON-MEMBERS ONLY can register here. College members please register by clicking on the button above or on the custom link sent via email.

Pricing and full programme (subject to change) are available below. This symposium is in-person, and there is no option to stream the event live or after the event.



Recognising that no one person or service can cater for all aspects of recovery, this CPsychI REFOCUS-led small group symposium and workshop will provide attendees the opportunity to explore up-to-date, useful and practical information that can be used to empower patients in addressing and minimising the negative consequences of mental illness on their employment/employability, finances, housing and education.

The day will include information and practical guidance sessions on signposting for psychiatrists and trainees through advice from key stakeholders, sharing of lived experience, open discussion and time for reflection. View the full programme (subject to change).




09.15 – 10.00 Registration with Tea/Coffee
10.00- 10.05 Welcome: Dr Lorcan Martin, CPsychI President
Morning Session 1
10.05 – 10.15 Format and objectives for the day

·         Mr Brian McNulty, Joint Chair, REFOCUS

·         Dr Tiago de Castro Gomes, REFOCUS

Personal Finance Sustainability and Support
10.15 – 10.50 MABS Money Advice and Budgeting Service

How MABS works, services provided and how they work with those with mental illness & distress.

·         Ms Jackie Quinn, Money Adviser, North Munster MABS, Waterford

·         Mr David Murphy, Money Advisor/Dedicated Mortgage Arrears Advisor, North Munster MABS CLG, Waterford

10.50 – 11.00 Lived experience of MABS and its key role in personal recovery:

·         Mr Rick Rossiter, REFOCUS member and See Change Ambassador

Education & Knowledge of Mental Illness & Services for Patients/SUs & Family/Carers
11.00 – 11.35 Mid-West ARIES Recovery Education Service: Is Recovery Possible?

An introduction to recovery education services, co-production, data and feedback from participants in recovery education, and lived experience.

·         Mr Cillian Keane, Mid-West ARIES Recovery Education Service, Limerick

·         Ms Mags Clifford, Mid- West ARIES, Limerick

11.35 -11.45 Tea/Coffee Break
Morning Session 2
Education & Skills
11.45 – 12.25 ETBI – Education and Training Boards Ireland

Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing – a whole of centre approach.

·         Mr Fergus Craddock, ETBI FET Inclusion Manager

·         Ms Rosarri Curran, FET Guidance, Information & Recruitment Officer

12.25 – 12.35  Lived experience of key role of the ETBI in personal Recovery, and other agencies, offering education and re-skilling courses.

·         Mr George Bridges, REFOCUS member

Sustaining Employment and links
12.35 – 13.10 Recovering work Together: A coproduced session on ‘Top Tips’ to navigate the employment landscape as part of a personal recovery

·         Dr Marina Bowe, Consultant Psychiatrist and REFOCUS Member

·         Ms Anna Carthy, REFOCUS member

13.10 – 13.15 A lived experience account of a successful tripartite relationship between an employee, a psychiatrist and an employer working together to ensure an enriched, sustained career and recovery.


·         A tribute to, and an excerpt from, former REFOCUS joint Chair, the late Mr Diarmaid Ring (RIP)

13.15 – 14.00 Lunch     
Afternoon Session
14.00 – 14.30 Workgroup 1
Housing & Tenancy support embedded in mental health services
14.30 -15.00 Tenancy Support and Sustainment (TSS Project), Mid-West Community Healthcare with Focus Ireland  


·         Mr James Harrington, Interim Area Director of Mental Health Nursing, HSE Mid-West Community Healthcare, Limerick

·         Ms Sophie Little, TSS staff, Focus Ireland

·         Ms Sarah Tynan, TSS staff, Focus Ireland

15.00 – 15.10 Lived experience of a Family Member/Carer


·         Ms Louisa Corr, REFOCUS member

15.10 – 15.30 Workgroup 2
15.30 – 15.45 Summary and Close




Specialist Member €150
Non-Member Psychiatrist €225
Trainee Member €85
Retired Member €85
CPD-SS 5 CPD credits required
Non-Member, other specialties €85


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