Enrol in PCS

Enrolment information and online application forms

CPsychI Professional Competence Scheme

Before you start, please read our Guide to Completing PCS Application Form.

To start your enrolment application, please click on the link below which applies to you:
1. Apply to enrol in PCS (SPECIALIST Division): This form is only for doctors registered on the Specialist Division of the Medical Council Register
2. Apply to enrol in PCS (GENERAL Division): This form is only for doctors registered on the General Division of the Medical Council Register
3. Apply to enrol in PCS (SUPERVISED Division): This form is only for doctors registered on the Supervised Division of the Medical Council Register

Continue your PCS application

If you have already partially completed your application, you can complete it by logging in using your Unique Applicant Number (UAN) by clicking here.


If you have previously been enrolled in the CPsychI Professional Competence Scheme and now wish to re-enrol after a period of withdrawal from the Scheme, please contact PCS or phone 01 634 4375.


Part 11 of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007 – Maintenance of Professional Competence, places a statutory duty on doctors to maintain their professional competence. All doctors on the Specialist, General and Supervised Divisions of the Medical Register are legally obliged to participate in a Professional Competence Scheme (PCS).

The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (CPsychI) is the accredited body to operate the Professional Competence Scheme for psychiatrists on behalf of the Medical Council. This PCS fulfils the requirements of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007 and the Part 11 Rules and Associated Standards issued by the Medical Council, and will enable psychiatrists to maintain their competence in accordance with the Medical Council’s conditions.


1. General Division PCS:
Doctors who are on the General Register of the Medical Council, with one of the following qualifications:
– MRCPsych (Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists)
– DPM (Diploma in Psychological Medicine)
– DCP (Diploma in Clinical Psychiatry); who are not eligible for registration on the Specialist Register of the Medical Council, are eligible for enrolment on the General Division of the Professional Competence Scheme.

Doctors who are working in psychiatry who have not attained the above qualifications and who are spending more than 50% of their clinical sessions in psychiatry are also eligible for this division.
Doctors who are on the Trainee Register are NOT required to enrol on the Professional Competence Scheme as their training fulfills the Medical Council requirements.

2. Specialist Division PCS:
Doctors on the Specialist Register of the Medical Council, and who are registered in one of the four psychiatric specialties i.e.
– Psychiatry (General Adult Psychiatry)
– Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
– Psychiatry of Learning Disability
– Psychiatry of Old Age
are eligible to enrol on the CPsychI Professional Competence Scheme.

3. Supervised Division PCS:
Doctors on the Supervised Register of the Medical Council are eligible to enrol on the CPsychI Professional Competence Scheme.

To start your enrolment application, please click on the link which applies to you below
1. Apply to enrol in PCS (GENERAL Division): This form is only for doctors registered on the General Division of the Medical Council Register
2. Apply to enrol in PCS (SPECIALIST Division): This form is only for doctors registered on the Specialist Division of the Medical Council Register
3. Apply to enrol in PCS (SUPERVISED Division): This form is only for doctors registered on the Supervised Division of the Medical Council Register