Medical Council Update June 2020

Email circulated on 01/07/2020.

COVID-19 and CPD – Medical Council Reduces PCS Requirements for 2020/21


The Medical Council has issued updated guidance for maintaining your professional competence in the PCS year May 2020 to April 2021. Please read the below letter.

In summary, doctors are required to log 25 CPD credits in this PCS year, with no CPD category requirements. Clinical (Practice) Audit is not mandatory in this PCS year. Full details are in the below letter.

We encourage all psychiatrists to maintain their professional competence and log CPD credits throughout the year. We will continue to keep you informed of any further updates regarding professional competence. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries about this email or any other professional competence issues.

Maintenance of Professional Competence – Interim Guidelines 2020/21

June 2020

In light of the COVID–19 pandemic, the Medical Council has considered how Maintenance of Professional Competence (MPC) requirements should apply in 2020/21 and has agreed interim guidelines for the Professional Competence Scheme Year 2020/21 to:

  • Help RMPs focus on the best possible care for patients and themselves;
  • Acknowledge the learnings gained by RMPs during the COVID-19 outbreak; and
  • Reduce anxieties regarding the recording of CPD during this unprecedented time.

For the 2020/21 Professional Competence Scheme Year, the Framework for Maintenance of Professional Competence Activity found in the Maintenance of Professional Competence Guidelines for Doctors has been modified.

Old Framework for Maintenance of Professional Competence Activity

Annually doctors are required to record one clinical/practice audit and a total of 50 CPD credits which comprise of:

  • A minimum of 20 external CPD credits;
  • A minimum of 20 internal CPD credits;
  • A minimum of 5 personal CPD credits; and
  • A minimum of 2 research/teaching CPD credits (desirable).

Revised Framework for Maintenance of Professional Competence Activity for 2020/21

For the 2020/21 Professional Competence Scheme Year only the following will apply:

  • Doctors will not be required to record a clinical/practice audit with their Scheme;
  • Doctors will not be required to record 25 CPD credits of the 50 CPD credit total with their Scheme. These credits will be considered as met arising from increased learnings by doctors during COVID-19.
  • Of the 25 CPD credits remaining, doctors will be permitted to record these credits in any CPD category (external, internal, personal, research/teaching). CPD targets for each category will not apply for 2020/21.


Doctors will be asked to make a declaration about their maintenance of professional competence during the 2021 annual retention process.

The 2020/21 CPD requirements as outlined above will be kept under review in light of a protracted pandemic. Should further updates be required, these will be communicated to doctors through their Professional Competence Schemes and on the Medical Council website.

MPC advice issued to doctors in April 2020 remains:


  • The Medical Council and Professional Competence Schemes will not verify or audit doctors’ CPD records for the 2019/20 Scheme Year.
  • The MPC declaration has been removed from the 2020 retention of registration process.
  • Scheme enrolee 2019/20 Statements of Participation will be annotated to indicate extenuating circumstances which prevented engagement in and recording of CPD activity for 2019/20.
  • Late enrolment in a Professional Competence Scheme will be facilitated by Postgraduate Training Bodies.


COVID & CPD guidance
COVID & College information, resources and links
Hot Topics eModules (available to College Members)

General queries, guidance, CPD approvals – Lorna O’Callaghan
Invoicing, enrolment, Hot Topics Webinars & eModules – Louise Bunyan