PCS News June 2013
PCS – end of Year 2 (30th April 2013)
- There was a lot of last minute activity with doctors logging their credits on their online CPD diaries in the final week of the PCS year.
- Remind doctors to log their credits on an ongoing basis. We will email all psychiatrists on the PCS 6 months into this PCS year with a reminder to log credits. Also countdown reminder emails before the end of the PCS year (30th April 2014).
- Statements of Participation in a Professional Competence Scheme were issued by email and post to all on the PCS in early June.
CPD credits for undergraduate teaching / supervision / examining
- We await further guidance from the Forum of PostGraduate Training Bodies and the Medical Council, but hope to shortly confirm that Research / Examining / Supervision CPD credits can be claimed for undergraduate teaching / supervision / examining as well as for those postgraduate activities.
Up to 5 Internal CPD credits per year for College Faculty and Committee meetings
- College Faculty and Committee meetings with a clear patient care / patient safety aspect can garner 1 Internal CPD credit per meeting, up to a maximum of 5 credits per year. Meeting organisers (college staff or committee / faculty chairs) should retain attendance lists, and make either certificates or a summary of meetings attended available to attendees.
CME Funding
- The latest information we have indicates that there will be no change to the HSE CME fund drawdown arrangements until at least 1st September, if not the end of 2013. It appears the CME fund will not be administered by the Training Bodies.
Education Programme
- Fri 27. / Sat. 28 September 2013 – Private & Independent Practice Special Interest Group (PIPSIG) will run a meeting with CPD sessions and a social programme
- Thu. 7th / Fri. 8th November 2013 – College Winter Conference, Grand Hotel, Malahide. There will be a professional competence session workshop on Thursday 7th November.
- Fri. 22nd November 2013 – Prof. Norman Sartorius & Prof Heather Stuart will present “Developing a Programme to tackle Stigma against Schizophrenia”
PCS Fees for current PCS year (May 2013 – April 2014)
- Invoices for the PCS Year May 2013–April 2014 were issued in April. Doctors who have not yet paid their annual fee are reminded to do so to continue to access their online CPD Diary. PCS annual fee remains unchanged at €252