June 2014 PCS News

CPD credits, educational programme and further courses

PCS News June 2014

CPD Diaries: End of PCS Year 3 2013/14

  • PCS Year 2013/14 ended 30th April.
  • Statements of Participation in a Professional Competence Scheme were issued to all on the PCS by email and post.
  • If a psychiatrist has particular circumstances or difficulties in fulfilling the requirements of PCS in a given year, we encourage them to make contact with the PCS office to let us know of the extenuating circumstances so we can advise and assist.

Medical Council – guidance on Doctors who have yet to record professional competence activity with professional competence schemes.

The Medical Council has asked Training Bodies follow up with any doctors in the above category (i.e. who have been enrolled in the PCS for three years and have not recorded any PCS activity) and offer support and assistance. The Medical Council proposes to later in the year request TBs to share information on this group on a named basis. Members are reminded to log their CPD credits and audit activity, and please contact the PCS office if they need assistance with logging.

CPD credits for attendance at College Faculty and Committee meetings.

If you attend or dial into College faculty & committee meetings which have a clear patient care / patient safety aspect, you can accrue 1 Internal CPD credit per meeting. You can log up to 5 of these internal credits per year. Towards the end of each PCS year (April 2015) the college administrators of the faculties & committees will provide members with confirmation of meetings attended and the credits that can be claimed.

Education Programme, eLearning

CPD courses organised and run recently

  • Health Economics course, Dr Caragh Behan, in SJOG, Stillorgan, Friday 23rd May 2014. 22 delegates attended and the feedback was good. Much research and statistics were delivered on the day, some people asked for a follow up session on a more practical level.
  • Psychotherapy session, SJOG, Stillorgan, Dr R Blennerhassett / PIPSIG, 14th June 2014. Some people have asked for full day on DBT with Jim Lyng, counselling Psychologist, Cluain Mhuire Community Mental Health Service.

Further CPD courses to be organised;

  • Migrants / Transcultural Psychiatry – in progress
  • Legal meeting, Autumn 2014 – in progress
  • Balint Group Workshop – Dr Brendan McCormack & Dr Verena Keane – 24th September, Portlaoise (booked out)
  • PIPSIG educational meeting – 26/27 September in Royal Marine Dun Laoghaire. See events listing on www.irishpsychiatry.ie for programme & booking form.
  • Perinatal Psychiatry Update – 16th October, Cork – see events listing on www.irishpsychiatry.ie for programme & booking form
  • Old Age Psychiatry – SJOG to work with CPsychI to run an OAP educational event in early 2015.
  • Eating Disorders – working with college’s Eating Disorders Special Interest Group to organise a CPD Event on this topic.
  • College Winter Meeting: Professional Competence Workshop on “Reflecting on Peer Review Groups – What Works?” will be run at the Winter Meeting on Thursday afternoon (3:45 – 5pm) 6th November 2014.
  • Faculties are invited to organise inter-faculty meetings / updates to facilitate the flow of information and expertise across the faculties and specialties.
  • Faculties are invited to suggest and review third-party e-learning courses or modules with a view to recommending them for approval for CPD credits.

PCS Fees & enrolment

Invoices for the current PCS Year May 2014 – April 2015 were issued in May. PCS fee remains at €252 for the fourth year of the scheme. Those who have not already done so, are asked to pay the fee as quickly as possible.

Doctors who wish to withdraw from the PCS because of leaving the country, withdrawing from Medical Council Register, retiring etc. need to inform us by email so that we can withdraw them from the PCS.