Recovery: Supporting Personal Recovery – The Role of the Psychiatrist

The College has for some time recognised the importance of the personal recovery approach as one of the most significant
developments in health and social care policy in recent decades. Although there has been greater awareness of the importance
of person centred care and service user and carer input to policy in Ireland, the progress in actual service development towards
a greater recovery focus has not matched pace. Similarly, whereas support by professionals and services for personal recovery
is mandated by policy and regulatory requirements the development of professional practice in this area has been limited by a
number of factors including individual psychiatrists’ knowledge and relevant skills in addition to systemic barriers such as a
number of legacy issues, conflicting priorities and resource constraints. It is timely therefore that a position paper is published
to provide practical guidance to College members on the recovery approach and to support psychiatrists in Ireland to address
the challenge s and benefits of recovery oriented practice.