NUIG / RCSI Deanery

NUIG RCSI Deanery is affiliated with both the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) and the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI) with training based in 4 urban centres in the Midlands, North and Northwest of Ireland. The population served has a large rural component with outreach clinics throughout the training areas. Trainees like the small friendly sites with close working with Consultants. There are also HST’s training in each of the centres. They tend to be based primarily in one centre but must work in at least 2 over the course of BST. As the Deanery is associated with two Universities, this gives the trainees the opportunity to link with one or both. The training sites are Sligo, Cavan/Monaghan, Letterkenny, Mullingar. Each of the sites are excellent places to live from being based in the Rural Northwest on the beautiful wild Atlantic way in Donegal or Sligo to being in the Midlands in commuting distance from bigger urban centres, if you are based in Mullingar or Cavan. Within each of the centres there are established Community team bases for OPD and Multidisciplinary working

Each of the 4 sites have different strengths. Trainees report excellent clinical exposure and great exam support in all centres covering OSCE and CFME, in particular focussed CASC training (Mullingar), excellent research (Sligo), innovative Rehabilitation and Recovery service (Cavan/Monaghan) and excellent Community experience and Psychotherapy(Letterkenny). There are opportunities to engage in undergraduate teaching, student research supervision as well as management and psychotherapy training

Previous trainees have also gained experience in national specialist centres in Forensic and Addictions.

Training Centres / Sub-Specialities

Key Features

  • BST on call available in all centres with excellent Consultant support as well as opportunities to work with HST’s
  • On call is based in the Acute Psychiatry units with opportunities for emergency dept and acute hospital liaison. 3 centres have established liaison services, one with perinatal.
  • Mental health Act Administrator hosts training sessions with trainees. Attendance at Tribunals can be facilitated on a case by case basis
  • All centres have timetabled teaching 3 hours per week. This is coordinated by the local Tutors and includes case conferences, journal clubs, Balint groups, Psychotherapy teaching, undergraduate presentations and invited speakers.
  • There are formal and informal opportunities for undergraduate teaching in all centres
  • Clinical Programmes experience with Eating Disorders, ADHD, Early Intervention in Psychosis Sligo/Mullingar
  • Home based treatment available in Cavan/Monaghan and Sligo
  • ECT experience available and ECTAS accredited ECT Sligo. Training is provided for BST’s
  • Management training is encouraged with NCHD leads in each centre. Formal training is encouraged and availed of by many trainees completing to Masters level
  • Extensive Research programme in Sligo with European funded cross border RCT’s National Dementia Trials network site, ADHD National site, Early Intervention in Psychosis, Delirium
  • Trainees are encouraged to complete research and audit projects with opportunities to present at local Research meetings, NUIG/RCSI Deanery days, NUIG Deanery days and the CPSychI conferences. There are close links with NUIG for Letterkenny and Sligo and RCSI for Cavan Monaghan. details of research interests are included on the EAF
  • A range of Psychotherapy experiences are available based on Consultant experience in each centre. Previous trainees have gained qualifications in CBT and more recently DBT

Clinical Exposure

  • Multiple opportunities available in all major specialties with the full range of Clinical experiences including Inpatient, Outpatient clinics, day hospital, homebased treatment, domiciliary visits, community residential units, Nursing home work, Assertive outreach. In urban centres there are opportunities to work in socially deprived areas. A key strength is the management of cases in widely dispersed rural areas
  • Many Consultants have additional subspecialty training/interests and are happy to support trainees working with them to gain this experience. These include ECT, Psychotherapy CBT,DBT, CAT, Systemic psychotherapy,Family Therapy, Early Intervention in Psychosis, Eating Disorders, Academic Psychiatry, Teaching and management
  • Foundation Year trainees are allocated initially to two general adult 6 month posts in one of the 4 centres. Then in Consultation with the Vice Dean and based on their training needs they are allocated to a further 6 posts in at least 2 centres, across a range of specialties to meet their core requirements for training.

Additional Information

The NUIG RCSI Deanery offers a well-rounded Postgraduate Clinical training at Basic Specialist and Higher Specialist training levels. It is based in 4 geographically diverse centres with enthusiastic teachers and excellent undergraduate teaching, research and management opportunities